
Angi + Arlynd

Gua Sha For C Section Scars + Wheatgrass Enemas + Getting Your Bowels Moving

Published about 2 years ago • 7 min read

Hey guys!

I know I sound like a broken record but I think it’s important to keep stating that we are not providing medical advice. This newsletter is our way of being able to provide general advice to 1000’s of people based on our personal experience and research over the last 20+ years, but we recommend always doing your own research and experiment on yourselves.

I’ve spent 100’s of 1000’s of dollars over the last 10 years on every doc app, drug, detox, supplement, every treatment to find the root of my “symptoms” and what’s right for me and what works for me…and it definitely didn’t happen overnight. It’s a continuous process and a multi therapeutic approach Arlynd and I both take in our different seasons.

We’re so grateful to be able to share our experience and knowledge, but in no way should it replace one on one care (that we can’t give here) or you doing your own research because what works for us may not work for you in the season you’re in. We recommend having support from an IHP, Naturopath, or Functional Medicine doctor along with you experimenting on yourself.

Our free Access Yorize community can provide a LOT of support, but they are not your personal practitioner. You can ask any question you’d like, but they don’t know your personal health history 🙏🏻

We’re almost done with our 7 day detox. The reason why we did this one so close to our 21 day detox 2 months ago is to join with so many who couldn’t and wanted support and encouragement. Remember you can start anytime and join our Access Yorize discord channel and get all the support you need and questions answered!

I also have a full 100 video detox highlight to help give you some recipe ideas and guidance.

We start our parasite cleanse with our community on April 16th and are so excited for how many of you are joining us!!!

Our goal with this week’s email is to help you prepare for starting the parasite cleanse…

In particular, getting your bowels moving, and keeping them moving!

…Then helping improve bile flow (SOOO important for so many reasons!).

But even if you aren’t in a season to join us, you will still benefit greatly from taking these steps and adding these habits into your life.

What You’ll Find In This Email

  • How to prepare yourself for a parasite protocol
  • Getting your bowels moving & why 1-2 BMs a day is so beneficial
  • What season are you in?
  • What I used on my c section scar and post partum exterior babies home to reduce wrinkles, scar tissue, and speed healing
  • Wheatgrass enemas

How to prepare yourself for a parasite protocol

What would we do if this was our first parasite protocol?

Now that we have over 10 years of experience with these protocols, we have LOTS of tips for what TO do, but we also know what NOT to do.

  • Do NOT start if you are constipated and not consistently having at least 1 BM a day
  • Do NOT start if you haven’t done a detox or opened up your detox pathways (more on this below)
  • Do NOT start if you haven’t prepared mentally for the emotions that will arise along with the release
  • Do NOT start if you are pregnant or breastfeeding - (not the right season)

What would we do?

  • We would make sure our bowels were moving (lots on this below)
  • We would make sure our livers are prepared to deal with a higher toxic load (opening liver bile duct to increase bile flow)
  • We would make sure we are prepared to sweat everyday
  • We would make sure we have a plan to incorporate daily movement
  • We would address our mindset so we are prepared to see what comes out
  • We would hydrate! (not only water but with electrolytes and minerals!)
  • We would discuss what we’re about to go through with loved ones to make sure they can support you through the emotions you may experience
  • We would look for a community of people going through the same things we are who we can chat with and share with (we’re providing this for you inside our Access Yorize community)
  • We would have plenty of binders available
  • We would have a plan (and product) for what to do if we start having any kind of herxheimer reaction

This may seem like a LOT, but YOU SHOULD NOT DO A PARASITE CLEANSE UNPREPARED!!! That’s why we have provided a space inside our Access Yorize community for you to find ALL of this info and more. PLUS, you can ask our team of IHPs any question that comes up.

I can’t answer these questions for you on IG, so please instead reach out to our amazing team of Integrative Health Practitioners who all have extensive experience with this cleansing process.

We have sections inside discord to specifically address each of these concerns and help you feel more prepared mentally and physically.

We will dive into the first one in this email…and more next week.

Getting your bowels moving and why 1-2 BMs a day is so beneficial (and necessary)

Not just for a parasite cleanse, but for general health.

When your bowels aren’t moving, you’re reabsorbing toxins and not able to absorb minerals or vitamins properly…

The two most important things…

  1. MOVE your body + lymph
  2. HYDRATE with minerals

These are by far the two most important pieces of the poop puzzle, and the most common reason for occasional constipation.

But honestly this is not an easy newsletter for me to write because I need to do an entire podcast episode on it (I have dealt with chronic constipation for over 30 years as a matter of fact it’s one of my earliest memories of my mom inserting a vaseline suppository up my bum when I was very young)

So PLEASE REMEMBER to find out the root cause of your constipation with testing and a naturopath that you trust because it will be different for every BODY. But for the sake of giving some tips in an email…..

Here are some other ways you can keep things moving…

  1. Drink a glass of warm water with ½ a lemon squeezed in and a pinch of Redmond sea salt first thing in the morning.
  2. Decrease your stress load and try to be in a relaxed state - if you’re not in the parasympathetic state, your bowels will have a hard time moving (or they may move too much like my mom who dealt with chronic diarrhea, but I won’t go into that here)
  3. H.I.M = eat Homemade, intentionally and mindfully (and chew thoroughly…the enzymes in your saliva help break down your food and aid with digestion)
  4. Stomach massage (I will try to do a video on this with my gua sha stone to show you what I mean)
  5. Products that I recommend
    1. Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium….I cannot stress how important MG is for thousands of functions in the body!!! (typically MG citrate helps move your bowels but this is not a type of Mag you want to take regularly….do NOT become dependent on bowel stimulants…
    2. Take “Occasional” constipation support…but again do your work to find the root cause otherwise you will always be “band aiding” and possibly dealing with side effects from those band aids
    3. Drink smooth move tea or do an enema (in an emergency, if you are in a lot of pain from not pooping for days)
    4. Chamomile, wheatgrass, bone broth or coffee enemas (more on this next week). These saved my life… not exaggerating
    5. 3 Magnesium brands I recommend… MitoLife MagATP, Pristine Hydro liquid Mag, Global healing Ozonated Mag

Once your bowels are moving, and if you’re in a season of having time to process and are not under too much stress, you can join us for a parasite cleanse! It’s a 2 month protocol, so you can jump in at any time! You can order here with code YORIZE for 20% off.

Again, we recommend you do at least a 7 day liver detox first before diving in (for liver support and mental training)

What season are you in?

We are working so hard together with our growing team to help you in the most focused way possible and not waste your time or money, putting together roadmaps and tools to help you in the season you’re in.

We’d love it if you could take 2 minutes to fill out this short survey to help us serve you.

How I used Gua Sha and ASEA on my C Section scar

In the next few days I’m going (try) to do some stories about how I used gua sha, serums, and ASEA on my c section scar, but I had SOOO many Dms asking about it after my story yesterday, I wanted to link to it here…

Topically I used the ASEA liquid on my scar as soon as the day after my c section. (I poured it over the bandaid and allowed to dry). I waited until a week after all the tape and bandaids were off to apply the renew 28 gel. But I also took the ASEA Redox orally daily (during my entire pregnancy and postpartum to help speed up healing from the inside and support my body to heal itself.

It wasn’t until probably 6 weeks after my surgery that I started to GENTLY use gua sha to help break up the scar tissue of my C-section. I will do a video on this because it was a VERY INTENSE process with a HUGE amount of emotions to go through with even touching the scar let alone starting the healing process! (I started with belly massage and just touching my stomach in the first few days and thanked my body for being such a freaking super human and birthing this child in such a supernatural way of being sliced open!) ok more on that in a video….

Here are 3 options + price points on tools

  • Primally Pure: 20% off stones and serums + an additional 10% off with code ANGI10
  • Golden Secrets: Sculpting gua sha body tool code ANGI10
  • Wildling: Face and body tools - 10% off with code wildspirit

Wheatgrass enemas

We’re going to talk ALLLL about enemas in a few days, but after I posted about the wheatgrass enema I received so many DM’s about the link not working, I wanted to send it out again here.

I do several different types of enemas…you can look forward to all the details on that next week :)


Angi, Arlynd, and the kids

P.s. Our Access Yorize community and Integrative Health Practitioners are already supporting people through parasite cleansing as we speak! If you want to get a visual of how successful these protocols can be, or just get LOTS of your questions answered…dive into the Parasite channels inside the community!


Some of the links in this email are affiliate links, meaning we will receive a small commission if you order through the link. You can check out our affiliate disclosure here. We appreciate your support!

Angi + Arlynd

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