
Angi + Arlynd

💃🏼 NEW You Can Do Hard Things Sweats + Tees In Stock 🥳 + Therasage 20% Off Sale

Published about 2 years ago • 4 min read

Hi friends!

With everything going on in the world and as everything keeps escalating (if you’re new to the global crisis news or if you’ve been awake to what’s happening for years)…it’s still overwhelming and intense on any given day to take it ALL in.

It’s especially overwhelming in this new age of social media where every single detail is at our fingertips along with every single person's opinion about it.

Some things I’ve done in the last few days to protect my peace but not stick my head in the sand are to focus on the free tools I mentioned in my last IG post.

I’ve also limited my phone engagement and am prioritizing taking care of myself and my family. I can’t do anything for anyone if I don’t take care of myself and with everything seemingly out of control (and only getting more so) I’m focusing on what I can control…

My breath, my thoughts, my nutrition, my family's nutrition, my movement, my family’s movement, our time connected to nature, my prayer time, and my involvement in giving to the organizations I’m passionate about.

There has been a war going on in our minds for decades and it’s time to take responsibility for myself and my family so I can be at my best to continue to serve others.

What You’ll Find In This Email…

  • NEW “You Can Do Hard Things” sweatshirts, sweatpants, & tees back in stock while supplies last! 🎉
  • Therasage 20% off sale starts today and goes through the end of the month with code FLETCHER20
  • How you can go from feeling like a 4/10 to a 10/10 by joining our next community detox starting April 2nd!
  • Congrats to our Giveaway Winners this month!

You Can Do Hard things Favorite T-shirt Back in Stock and NEW Sweatshirt + Sweatpant Combo!

We get asked about these t-shirts and sweatshirts every day!

They have definitely been our best sellers and we are so excited to launch the new collection!

Our friends at Soul Honey agreed to bring back the original t-shirts for us with a limited run!

Introducing the newest and coziest sweatshirt to our collaboration…garment dyed for a vintage look, this sweatshirt is something that you will only take off to put in the wash :)

Also, after being asked for over a year we finally paired it with the new AF sweatpants to have an effortless cool and comfortable look.

Inspired by words my mother used to repeat to me and the determination and grit my life’s experiences have given me, our hope is that these 5 simple, yet profound words, inspire you to quite literally live out exactly what they say.

We have specifically placed this message on your back for two reasons.

First, to remind yourself that often doing the hard thing is not noticed or recognized. It’s showing up day after day and continuing to do that which needs to be done. And as you won’t always see the quote, it will be a subtle reminder as you wear the sweatshirt to continue on doing the hard things without the glamorous recognition.

Second, our hope is that as you are doing hard things, you are inspiring those around you. That you will live in a way that when they see you and read the words on your back, they want to follow along and do just that.

Overall, that you will be a leader in doing the hard things.

Therasage 20% Off Sale Started Today With Code FLETCHER20

With everything happening in the world, supply chain issues, and cost of goods increases, Therasage will be raising their prices come April (just like every other company).

They’re offering 20% off through the end of the month to allow our community to get the best pricing possible right up to the last minute!

Use code FLETCHER20 on all of our Therasage favorites:

How To Go From Feeling Like A 4/10 To Feeling Like A 10/10!

We asked those who went through the functional medicine detox with us to fill out a survey about their experience, and the results were pretty incredible!

We asked where they were before they started, and where they are now…

I’ll keep this short and let these images speak for themselves!

We will be starting another 21-day detox cycle on the 1st Saturday of every month moving forward inside the Access Yorize community. That way, you can do your two day fast over the weekend :). The next one starts Saturday April 2nd.

When the season is right, join hundreds of others, support each other, and let our IHPs support you!

You can order your detox here with code YORIZE for 20% off.

Congrats to our Years Of Giving Winners This Month! 🥳

Grand prize winner: Stephanie -

She gets to choose from:

2nd & 3rd Place Bundle Winners:

  • Patricia - Patriciaabouchard
  • Iris - irisluce

Make sure to enter to win every month moving forward!


Angi, Arlynd, and the kids

P.s. Enter our Years of Giving program for the chance to win health tools (saunas, emf devices, air and water packages, etc) year round and receive one of our 100+ surprise packages we send out each month!

P.p.s. Join the Access Yorize community and get support from our team of IHP’s!


Some of the links in this email are affiliate links, meaning we will receive a small commission if you order through the link. You can check out our affiliate disclosure here. We appreciate your support!

Angi + Arlynd

Join our email community!

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