
Angi + Arlynd

What's Next For Team Fletcher & This Amazing Community

Published about 2 years ago • 4 min read

Hey guys!

Yesterday I posted on IG some links for minerals that we use and the dinner I made for Arlynd and I…every time I post vitamins, minerals, electrolytes or what we eat I get hundreds of dms asking if I can do a “day in the life” story of what we eat and how we supplement daily.

I always give the response that I don’t share what I do in a day because we are all bioindividual and in different seasons with different toxic burdens and I don’t want anyone to think that what works for me will work for them and waste their money.

That said…many of you wrote that even having some guidelines would help. And I agree…I’ve needed guidelines and resources my entire life for different seasons I’ve been in to help me!

I guess since 2020 I’m just so gun-shy when it comes to helping people now because of how much backlash and cancellations and opinions there are and I want to help everyone in every season but I can’t do it alone.

My heart breaks every single day with how many people are suffering (real people, real connections and relationships I’ve made on social media)

Our heart is to meet you where you’re at and help guide you towards where you want to be…

It’s just not possible to take people on a true healing journey via social media stories or dms…so we’re finding ways to connect a community that will allow us to walk with you through different seasons of your life, no matter what season you’re in.

Arlynd and I have been working with our team to create roadmaps and action plans to give you tools and skills to help you…

To make yourself and your family more resilient…

To create harmony and balance…

To lessen your load so you can refill your cup with joyful activity…

What You’ll Find In This Email

  • What we’re working on
  • The first steps on our roadmap to rebalance the body
  • The Therasage sale ends in a couple of days, then prices go up!
  • The 3 Meat Delivery Services we use

What We’re Working On

What are you currently struggling with the most?




All of the above?

It would help us if you could fill out this 1 minute survey to tell US which roadmaps are the most important to you guys, and help us identify what season you’re in.

But first, before you start on any of our upcoming roadmaps, we are going to be....

  • Helping you create greater self awareness that will lead you to your big WHY and to realizing that you have superpowers that you can be utilizing every day.
  • Helping you create a success mindset & realize you’re capable of so much.
  • Helping you set realistic and attainable goals.
  • Helping you create a plan of action…and help you move through the roadmap.

The season we are currently in (as ya’ll know by now) is rebalancing and rebuilding our bodies.

The First Steps On Our Roadmap To Rebalance The Body

Step 1: Prepare yourself for healing

Step 2: Complete a functional detox

Step 3: Complete a parasite protocol

We completed our 21 day liver detox a month ago along with over 1500 of you with very positive results (physically and mentally) and have taken some time before diving into the parasite protocol.

If you already detoxed, you don’t need to detox again before starting the parasite protocol, but if you want to do the parasite protocol with us and haven’t opened up your detox pathways, we recommend doing a 7 day detox protocol before starting! (This is very important as you will learn about the dangers of addressing and killing parasites without having the proper pathways open to get rid of them).

We are doing another 7 day, honestly because it’s such a good routine and structure to prep the body for deeper spring cleaning…

We’re starting on April 2nd with our Access Yorize community :) You can use code YORIZE for 20% off.

We start our 2 month parasite protocol on April 16th and you can learn more about it here! We put together this quick read to explain why it’s an important step on our roadmap, and on ANY healing journey.

We’re going in depth on some of the key things you can do to prepare your body for healing…which also happen to be powerful tools that on their own will make a positive impact on your health.

This includes…

  1. Making sure your bowels are moving
  2. Coffee enemas
  3. When and how to use binders
  4. Movement
  5. Hydration
  6. Sweating
  7. Dry brushing
  8. Mindset

The detox is so good for creating simplicity and routine.

We’re excited to start a parasite protocol and to be able to support you through it! For many, it will be even more powerful than the detox.

Our 20% Therasage discount ends on March 31st before they raise their prices.

Take 20% off saunas, red light therapy, infrared heating pads, water filters, and our ozone favorites with code FLETCHER20.

The 3 Quality Meat Delivery Services We Love + Our Fav 100% Grass Fed Beef Sticks!!

Finding quality meat is difficult! We love these 3 companies that raise their meat right!

Wild Pastures: Wild pasture-raised beef, pork, and chicken. They use rotational pasture grazing and regenerative practices that mimic nature so they don’t need to use fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, or antibiotics. They offer 20% off and free shipping for life!

1915: Local Texas regenerative small family farm. Code FLETCHER5.

Buy Ranch Direct: This was our local California meat delivery. We still buy their bone broth meat pies which are out of this world delicious!! Code ANGI for 10% off.

Oh, and here are the BEST 100% grass fed beef sticks we’ve ever tasted! I bought 8 packs with their black Friday sale and they were gone by Christmas! (my fav is the teriyaki and Arlynd and the kids love the original) From Paleo Valley. I hate to use the word moist…but they are the most moist and juicy meat sticks I’ve ever had…if you know, you know.


Angi, Arlynd, and the kids

P.s. Our Access Yorize community and Integrative Health Practitioners are already supporting people through parasite cleansing as we speak! If you want to get a visual of how successful these protocols can be, or just get LOTS of your questions answered…dive into the Parasite channels inside the community!

P.p.s. We have some VERY exciting things coming in the next couple of months. If you want to be among the first to hear about them and maybe even get exclusive access to our launch, just click this link and we’ll add you to that list!


Some of the links in this email are affiliate links, meaning we will receive a small commission if you order through the link. You can check out our affiliate disclosure here. We appreciate your support!

Angi + Arlynd

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