
Angi + Arlynd

Why Clean Air Is Essential + Update On Parasite Cleanse

Published about 2 years ago • 3 min read

Hey guys!

So many people were having issues with the Air Doctor SALE link I posted on stories the other day so I wanted to provide more information here along with the link again.

What You’ll Find In This Email…

  • Why clean air is so important
  • Airdoctor sale happening now
  • Quick update on our parasite cleanse
  • A couple small reminders

Why Clean Air Is SOOO Important

There are several ways toxins can enter your body, and each point of entry has a different impact due to how quickly and easily the toxins make it into the bloodstream. The faster and easier they make it into your bloodstream, the worse impact they will have on your health.

Here are the 4 ways:

  1. Through your gut - from food and drink
  2. Through your skin - from topical products
  3. Through your lungs - from the air and smoking
  4. Through injections

Toxins entering through the lungs have the FASTEST and EASIEST root directly into your blood.

Toxins from food and water have your gut lining and a layer of immune cells that help lower the amount reaching the blood.

Toxins you put on your skin are at least partially blocked, but are 2nd fastest at reaching your bloodstream.

Toxins that are injected go straight to the bloodstream.

Due to how quickly airborne toxins reach your bloodstream, having clean air is ESSENTIAL to keeping your toxic load low and protecting your body.

We have Airdoctor air filters in nearly every room of the house to protect our family.

Investing in your health can feel expensive, but the key word here is investment.

Spending $329 on an Airdoctor that you will have for the next 5-10 years will save you countless doctors bills!

You’re spending $329 now to save you $10’s of $1000’s in the future.

We are always looking for ways to help you save money while investing in your health, so wanted to pass along this amazing sale Airdoctor is having.

Get the Airdoctor 3000 for $329 (normally $629)

Get the Airdoctor 5000 for $699 (normally $999)

Get the Airdoctor 1000 for $279 (normally $399)

Or bundle and protect more than one room!

Get the Airdoctor 5000+3000 for $848 (normally $1628)

Get the Airdoctor 5000+1000 for $798 (normally $1398)

But if you’re not in a season to invest, you can always join our Years of Giving monthly giveaway! We have more winners being chosen in a few days who can choose a free Air & Water package if they win! All you have to do is enter once and you can win BIG wellness prizes every month for years to come!

Quick Update On Our Parasite Protocol

We’re going to be going deeper on this early next week, but we will be starting our parasite protocol again in a couple of weeks! We also have some really exciting interviews lined up to discuss this cleanse :)

If you’re interested, we put together this easily digestible 3 minute read about why parasite cleansing is an important next step on our roadmap to health. Why restoring balance to our connection with pathogens can have such a powerful effect on every system in your body (lowering your toxic load, allowing your immune system to strengthen, and more).

However, we had some roadblocks that set us back in the last month, so we are doing another 7 day detox FIRST to make sure our pathways are open. We’ll be starting this mid next week, so if you’d like to go through it with us, you can order yours here with code YORIZE for 20% off.

We’re also going to be spending some time helping you prepare your body for the parasite cleanse! So doing a bit more of a lead up to help you make sure your bowels are moving and you have all the tools you need to get the most out of this protocol!

The great thing is, this new parasite protocol is really affordable! After our YORIZE code, the full 2 month protocol is only $129.76!

A couple other quick reminders:

  1. Therasage is 20% off through the end of the month with code FLETCHER20 (before they raise their prices)!
  2. We’ve restocked our NEW You Can Do Hard Things sweatshirts, new sweatpants and tees! You can find them here.


Angi, Arlynd, and the kids

P.s. Our Access Yorize community and Integrative Health Practitioners are already supporting people through parasite cleansing as we speak! If you want to get a visual of how successful these protocols can be, or just get LOTS of your questions answered…dive into the Parasite channels inside the community!

P.p.s. We have some VERY exciting things coming in the next couple of months. If you want to be among the first to hear about them and maybe even get exclusive access to our launch, just click this link and we’ll add you to that list!


Some of the links in this email are affiliate links, meaning we will receive a small commission if you order through the link. You can check out our affiliate disclosure here. We appreciate your support!

Angi + Arlynd

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